Saturday, March 9, 2013


Indonesia is one of the world's largest maritime country. Country inhabited by approximately 200 million people is a country rich in natural resources. No doubt, today hasmany investors and developers who are interested to manage it all. Call it PT. FREEPOT Indonesia, the mining of mineral wealth in the eastern archipelago even touted as the world's largest copper deposition (Armando, 2008), but it also was PT. Chevron Pacific Indonesia(CPI), which produces the oil wealth of Indonesia, even the CPI became explorers largest archipelago with an estimated wealth of oil production in 2012 amounted to 33,000 barrels/day (BPD) with production levels reaching 40% of the total national oil (Thontowi, 2008). Surely we should be grateful as a citizen of Indonesia's incredible gift is even though we have not been able to work on it in total.
Currently, one of the natural resources particularly promising for the sustainability of the nation's energy is geothermal potential. This is because Indonesia is one of the countries crossed by the line of plates meeting two continents (Asia and Australia) so it is not uncommon in Indonesia there are many volcanoes caused second fold plate assembly or commonly known asthe ring of geothermal fire. Indonesia has been started since the early 20th century, the first drilling conducted in the crater Kamojang (west Java) and the Dieng plateau (central Java) in 1928 (abdul kadir, 1978).
According to data of Directorate General of New and Renewable Energy and Energy Conservation Ministryof Energy and Mineral Resources (2012) GEOTHERMAL Indonesia have more than 29 GWe potential roomates distributed in 285 location along Sumatra, Java, Bali,Lombok, Sulawesi and Maluku.

At this time, Indonesia has just developed 1.226 MW of geothermal power plant, or just less than 5% of Indonesia’s Total potensial. Gheothermal working area/ location such as at Sibayak-Sinabung, North Sumatera that have been developed by PT.Pertamina Geothermal Energ (PGE) as Licence Holder with Installed Capacity 12 MW, Cibeureum-Parabakti (377 MW), Pangelengan, JABAR (227 MW), Kamojang (200 MW), Darajat (270 MW), DIENG Hight Land (60 MW) and Lahedong, SULUT (80 MW). PT.Pertamina Geothermal Energy working with other developer such as Chevron Geothermal, Ltd and PT. Geo Dipa Energy (GDP).

1.              Produces lower emition compare to other plant such as coal, oil or natural gas 
2.              Renewable and sustainable sources
3.             Enviromentally friendly

1.             Decreasing availability of fossil energy
2.             Geothermal potensial ini indonesia is the largest ini the world 
3.              Indoneisa has experienced human resources in geothermal
4.             Rapid electrical deman, rated 7% per ann
5.             Interesting fiscal incentive
6.             Viable investmen climate and opportunities
7.             Locted of gethermal can be develop into nature tourism and education areas
8.             Goverment of indonesia has also launce energy vision 25/25, this vision targed that in 2025 the energy utiliztion based on new and renewable anergy will reach 25% of total national energy mix. Geothermal is expected to contribute 5,7% or about 12.000 MW in 2025 (Kementrian Energy dan Sumber Daya Mineral, 2012).

This is our opportunity to enhance our ability for “MANDIRI ENERGY” . Partners and Investors are welcomed to be part of indonesia development as the largest gethermal producer. Oke friend.

So, what are you waiting for?


Budidaya Lintah, pertama budidaya lintah di Indonesia mulai 2007 (di Kelurahan Bedahan, BLBI). Sekarang sudah meng-indonesia.

Keuntungannya apa? 
1. Pembudidaya bisa jual langsung (benih, bibit, indukan) 
2. Terapis pengaobatan alternatif (seperti akupuntur, bekam, refleksi sekarang melengkapi servicenya dengan terapi lintah) ini adalah pasar utama di Indonesia. 

Produk turunan lintah: 
  • lintah kering,
  • bubuk lintah, 
  • minyak lintah banyak diburu bahkan belum dapat melakukan eksport, karena permintaan lokal (lintah budidaya) kualahan. 
Di eropa lintah sudah masuk rumah sakit untuk menuntaskan bedah ringan (sebelum membuka jahitan, tugas lintah untuk benar2 agar tidak terjadi infeksi), di Indonesia dokter-dokternya masih geli dan jijik, jadi banyak kegagalan hasil bedah (ternyata masih ada infeksi di baah jahitan bedah). 

OK, di bayangin sendiri prospek dan manfaatnya.